With Quick Labels, you can take advantage of the integration of Dentrix Enterprise with Microsoft Word® to quickly create a label for an individual patient.
Note: To use Quick Labels, you must have a licensed version of Word installed and be familiar with its use and merge functions.
To print a quick label
Do one of the following:
With a
patient selected in Family
File, Ledger,
or Chart, click the
Quick Labels button on the toolbar.
With a
patient selected in Document
Center or Treatment
Planner, click the Quick Labels
button on the toolbar.
With a
patient's appointment selected in Appointment
Book, click the Quick Labels
button on the toolbar.
With a patient selected in Family File, Ledger, Chart, Document Center, or Treatment Planner, on the File menu, point to Switch To, and then click Quick Labels.
With a patient's appointment selected in Appointment Book, on the File menu, point to Switch To, and then click Quick Labels.
The Quick Labels window appears.
In the list, select one of the following labels to print:
Patient Mailing Label - Prints a mailing label for the currently selected patient.
Guarantor Mailing Label - Prints a mailing label for the currently selected patient's head-of-house.
Patient Chart Label - Prints a chart label for the currently selected patient including their name, chart number, home phone, work phone, and address.
Abbreviated Chart Label - Prints a chart label for the currently selected patient including their name (in large, bold letters), SS#, date of birth, first visit date, chart number, home phone, and work phone in a condensed format.
Detailed Chart Label - Prints a chart label for the currently selected patient including their name (in large, bold letters), SS#, date of birth, primary provider, chart number, first visit date, marital status, gender, address, home phone, work phone, employer, primary insurance, and secondary insurance.
Primary Dental Insurance Label - Prints a mailing label addressed to the patient's primary dental insurance plan. This label will only be listed if the patient has this particular type of insurance set up in Family File.
Secondary Dental Insurance Label - Prints a mailing label addressed to the patient's secondary dental insurance plan. This label will only be listed if the patient has this particular type of insurance set up in Family File.
Primary Medical Insurance Label - Prints a mailing label addressed to the patient's primary medical insurance plan. This label will only be listed if the patient has this particular type of insurance set up in Family File.
Secondary Medical Insurance Label - Prints a mailing label addressed to the patient's secondary medical insurance plan. This label will only be listed if the patient has this particular type of insurance set up in Family File.
Referring Patient Label - Prints a mailing label addressed to the patient who referred the patient to the practice. This label will only be listed if the patient has this particular type of referral set up in Family File.
Referred By Dr/Other Label - Prints a mailing label addressed to the doctor who referred the patient to the practice. This label will only be listed if the patient has this particular type of referral set up in Family File.
Referred To Doctor Label - Prints a mailing label addressed to the doctor that the patient has been referred to. This label will only be listed if the patient has this particular type of referral set up in Family File.
Appointment Reminder Label - Prints a reminder label listing the patient's next appointment date and time.
Click Print to send the selected label to the label printer that has been set up in Office Manager.